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Animal testing: good or bad ?

According to PETA, every year, more than 100 million animals are killed in U.S. laboratories for things including chemical testing; drug testing, and most commonly known to most, cosmetics testing.

Most people don’t really worry about it or know how bad it is but many are saying it’s not good to treat animals like this and use them for these purposes.

“I think it’s bad because that’s just bad like they aren’t lab rats, they’re actual animals and that’s messed up,” said sophomore Brandon Stroyier.

When many people think about animals being killed for testing most think of mice but really it can range from rats to dogs and cats and even rabbits and frogs.

“I mean it could be good because we not hurting humans but we're still hurting animals and in my opinion that's much worse,” said sophomore Denaisha Penman when asked about her view on if it’s good or bad.

Once going through an actual experiment they are then killed either from the experiment itself or in other gruesome ways including some being forced to inhale toxic fumes, have holes drilled into their skulls and even others have their skin burned off.

“If you don't wanna hurt or harm humans why would you do it to animals,” said Sophomore Egypt Barbee.

There’s definitely two sides to this topic. Many people say that animal testing is cruel and inhumane while some others like it for the fact that it has contributed to many life saving cures and treatments while some just don’t care at all.

“They’re treating them like objects and not living things,” said Sophomore Brandon Stroyier when asked how he think these animals are being treated.

Another pro to animal testing is that animals are similar to human beings in many ways. Having the same set of organs that function in basically the same way. Which makes them a good subject to be tested on.

“Ha, no because animals are living things too,” states Egypt barbee when asked if it’s ok how these animals are being tested and treated.

Animals and humans are so biologically similar that they are able to get many of the same conditions and illnesses.

“No, I don’t think we should test on animals because you should think of animals as humans and they have feelings as well,” said sophomore Ayanna Johnson.

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