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Uniforms In Crete-Monee?

Should Crete-Monee have uniforms starting next school year. It all depends, you can make arguments on why it would and wouldn’t be a good idea for students to wear uniforms.

I think it would be a good idea because it will prevent bullying. For example no one would be able to make fun of the students for what they wear because we would all be wearing the same thing.

“But on the other hand I think it’s good that students have the freedom to wear what they want”.

In my opinion school uniforms teaches students to dress wisely and to take pride in their appearance.

“On the other hand though school uniforms restrict students freedom of expression.”

Another reason why it’s great idea for Crete to wear uniforms is because it keeps students focused on their education, not their clothes because at the end of the day what you wear isn’t important it’s your education.

“You can also make an argument that school uniforms don’t stop bullying but increase many brutal violent attacks.”

Not one, not two but three reasons why it’s smart if students wear school uniforms is because wearing uniforms grows school pride unity, and community pride. It’s always great to show your pride to the school you go to.

“School uniforms do not improve school attendance, academic preparedness, or exam results.”

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