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Big Baller Brand

LiAngelo Ball, one of the Ball brothers and other UCLA basketball teammates were caught shoplifting in China. In the consequeces of shoplifting they were arrested. LiAngelo was looking forwarding to continuing his basketball career in the NBA with his brother Lonzo Ball. But the UCLA has decided to release him and the 2 other players that were with him.

Big Baller Brand is worth 3 million from selling shoes, clothes, and others. And LiAngelo being the oldest child it makes the baller band look worse than ever, such as making the whole family look like criminals.

Datuan Carter speaks on the incident and says “LiAngelo has worked his butt off since high school especially being accepted with being accepted to one of the best schools in the country and being able to play his favorite sport which is basketball and being able to continue his education. What he did done was a bad move and for his actions he’s not only hurting himself he’s also hurting his family and especially his father, Lavar Ball are his kids biggest supporter and stayed on top of them. Lavar looked very disappointed in the courtroom.”

Kenny Tucker also says “what he did was very stupid of him because that brings a bad representation on his family, not even just how people look at them, also the sales. Most likely no one are going to want to buy anything from you or work for you because he just made the family look like criminals and I highly doubt their net worth wont go down.”

Although now LiAngelo has a record and is off the basketball team he tends to finish his education at UCLA and help his father continue making sales and helping the net worth expand


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