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Why National Suicide Prevention is important

Suicide is one of the biggest causes of death, Number 10 on the list. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a service that provides a 24/7, toll free hotline available to anyone with in a suicidal or emotional crisis.

There are many reasons that could cause someone to wish to commit suicide.

Alondra Estrella said,” you never know what someone’s life is like or their reasoning. Sometimes it’s because of trauma, other times it could be bullying, maybe an abusive family or relationship, or just stress. They could be sick for all we know. Personally I think there are several reasons why a person would do it.”

On a yearly basis 44,965 Americans die by suicide. On a daily basis there are 123 suicides per day. With the annual age-adjusted suicide rate is 13.5 per 100,000 individuals.

Knowing that so many suicides happen daily and that they can be taken so lightly it can upsetting.

“Personally, I don’t think that suicide should be taken lightly. It’s a horrible thing that has happened, I mean someone was put down so much and treated so horribly that they thought dying was the only answer. Suicide doesn’t end your pain, it just transfers it to someone else,” Alondra said.

Suicide prevention month is in September, and not many schools or other social activities don’t think to talk about this kind of stuff. Yes, it is a heavy topic but at least high schoolers should learn about it and how it’s not a joke.

Alondra says, “yes I do believe they (Crete-Monee high school) should spread the word. I’m a bit bias because I was affected by one of those suicides, but either way it’s a terrible thing that happened and should be talked about.

Suicide is a serious and important issue that isn’t talked about much.”

If anyone is suffering and is considering suicide as an option, please try to help them get the help they need. There is a phone number that they can call, and Alondra had left some advice for anyone suffering.

“Please don't do it. I know right now everything seems horrible and maybe your life sucks and you think this is the only way out but it’s not. If you’re looking for a sign this is it. Suicide only give the pain to someone else. No one knows what happens when we die. Your life is precious and you deserve to live. You may think you’re alone but trust me you are not. Please cherish your life. Right now it might be really hard , but I swear, things will get better. I know it sound cliche, but the world isn’t as bad as you think,”Alondra said.

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