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Underage Drinking

Research says that 78% of teens drink alcohol. That's a big percent of underage drinking.

According to the causes of teenage drinking are boredom,peer pressure,modeling parents behavior,and curiosity.

“I think 21 is a good age for drinking you’re an adult by than” said Alex Paredes.

Some other teenagers feel that 21 is a good age to start drinking.They feel that they are mature and wont abuse alcohol also by then they know what to do and what not to do.

“I feel that 21 is a good age because by that age they are mature and wont abuse alcohol”.said Antonio Esquivel

Although a lot of adults over the age of 21 still abuse it and they binge it and that could lead to a lot of health problems. When a teenager starts young they are more likely to abuse it when they are younger since they've started so young.

“I don't think it's acceptable for an adult to give a minor any alcohol,unless it’s their parents or a special occasion.” Said Alex Paredes

If a parent gives their teenager any kind of alcohol that teenager will think that it's okay to drink and they might abuse it. Although that's not the case some parents only allow a little bit for the time being.

“I think it should stay at the age 21 i really don't get the rush of drinking.” said Stephanie Zarate

Some teenagers think that 21 is a good age for drinking,but some of the teens drink anyways so does the age limit really stop them?

The legal drinking age in Europe is younger than the U.S.The age for Europe is 16,but here in the U.S its 21.

“I think that's kind of crazy.”said Antonio Esquivel

What makes Europeans more responsible than the U.S? Well they might just not abuse it as much as Americans.

In some ways teenage drinking is an issue today some may think it's irresponsible. They don't realize how dangerous it can be .Some teenagers drink irresponsibly and get into a car and drive which will put you and others at risk.

Not just in teenagers but in adults too.Over 50% of accidents are caused by drunk driving. Will this ever come to an end?People are dying every single day from either abuse of it or drunk driving.

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