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Drinking age…. Lowered?

A lot of people have diffrent opinions on such a matter as lowering the drinking age, it’s a debatable topic. According to,

“ 18 is the age of adulthood in the United States, and adults should have the right to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption”.

When you turn eighteen you are able to vote, and make the decision to move out on their own, so why can’t they do the same when it comes to alcohol.

“ I don’t think it will really make a diffrence.” said Ken Krauklis.

Teens are going to drink regardless if they lower the age or not. Teenagers go out and hang out with their friends and at times they are going to find a way to get their hands on alcohol. When kids turn eighteen they can do a lot of things like buy tobbaco, and vote, but why can’t they consume alcohol? Once kids become teenagers they have people they can go to that can get these things for them such as having an older sibling whose twenty one, friend, or even parents that let them consume alcohol.

“ There are too many ways teens have where they can easily get alcohol” said senior Breana Menendez.

Parents aren’t really aware what their kids do out with their friends unless they come home overly drunk or high. Almost every teenager has took a sip of alcohol before they turned twenty one. Some parents even let their teens drink inside the safety of their own home, and at the end of the day that is still letting them drink. So does the drinking age really matter?

According to the,“ Teaching people to drink responsibly before they turn 21 would enormously enhance public health.”

If they taught teens how to drink responsibly when they are around fifteen, they can put a stop to teens drinking and driving, or even just doing stupid reckless things while under the influence. People who are even twenty one or older sometimes drinks and drives under the influence. It is proven that traffic fatalaties are most common among newly legal drinkers.

“Its a stress reliever for some people.” Said senior Trisha Baranski.

Some teens drink as a escape from their problems. If they are stressed or feeling down about life or about school, they get drunk because it makes them feel better then how they feel when they don’t drink. Just like everyone else teens have feelings and they deal with their feelings in diffrent ways. Adults don’t realize that teens have ways to get alcohol and they are going to drink no matter what age from fifteen until they are finally legal so the question is, will it really hurt to lower the drinking age?

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