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The Dangers of Halloween

Halloween the one day of the year that kids and parents can dress up and get candy. Halloween is a kid’s dream, but a parent’s nightmare. There are so many things that could wrong all in one night. It is not always a good idea to take your kids trick-or-treating, parties, or anything else of the sort. You are basically going people’s houses, some you don’t even know.

It doesn’t matter age, if a child is under the age of 18, they should have an adult or be in a group with at least someone who is 18 or older. Then if you do send a child with a group, make sure you know the people or parents of the kids. Anyone, family or friends, could do something to your kid.

A really good example of something going wrong is the famous story of Roland Clark O’Byran. He had taken his two kids and four of their friends out trick-or-treating. O’Byran had slipped candy to the children that had been poisoned. He had forced his son to eat it, which killed his son. While none of the other kids didn’t eat the candy, O’Byran was put on the death sentence.

Decorations are another big part of Halloween. Rather it is for the inside or outside, or even a haunted house, everyone always stops and stares. The two that are most recognized is terrifying and kid-friendly. How can these things go wrong, well it’s more simple than the treat or ticking.

There are tons of people out in the world, each one different. A majority of them are suicidal or a person takes a prank too far. There are a bunch of Halloween stories out there that involve hanging. In 2005, locals of a town in Delaware saw a body just hanging from a tree only thinking it’s a prop. Later throughout the night people soon realized it was a real body. It is not known if the woman did it herself, or someone else did it to her.

No matter how many times parents tell their kids to be careful, or how many pranks go unharmed there can always be that one time when something goes wrong. Then they’ll be standing there wondering why it had to happen to them. There, honestly, needs to be cation and awarenesses of the things that could go wrong, and of course kids don’t think about the bad, parents need to have those bad thoughts, even though parents try to teach kids about it, save that for another time. Halloween may be all and games but it’s the one holiday where anyone can be anything or anyone, and not always for the good.

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